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Finance Offer

National Day offer

Valid To 30/09/2024

About offer

Saudi National Day Campaign for Personal finance products
For Saudis and Expats

Terms and Conditions

•Customer should be eligible for the offer as per bank’s internal policy.
•Apply or execute during offer period.

Offer Features for Personal finance, refinance, Buyout:
•Issuance of Flynas siganture card for free.
•Alrajhi Bank consolidates your obligations through buyout and postpones first two installments as well.
•Competitive annual profit margin.
•Finance period up to 60 months.
•About to retire customers are included in the offer.
•Customers can apply to the offer through all ARB channels.
•Exemption of Finance Amount in case of passing away or total disability (God Forbid).

*Terms and Conditions Apply

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