Non Profit Sector
The Non Profit Sector service will contribute to facilitating the mechanism of opening and updating the accounts of the public benefit sectors, as well as enabling them to upload the necessary documents through the link below to be reviewed by a specialized work team. When the documents are completed, the team will direct the concerned customers to their nearest branch to complete the necessary procedures.
Civil associations
Required Documents
- A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
- A copy of the basic regulations certified by the Ministry or its branches.
- A copy of the decision to form the board of directors and appoint officials issued by the ministry.
- A copy of the authorization of the board of directors specifying the Saudi persons authorized to open and manage the bank account, so that the joint signature of two officials (the chairman of the board or his deputy and the financial officer/treasurer, and the signature of the financial official is essential). Above, the approval of the Ministry must be obtained.
- Copy of the national identities of the members of the board of directors and the Saudi persons authorized to open and manage the account, certified by the association.
- Writing the purpose of photographing the identity and acknowledging the authenticity of the original and the photo
National Endowment
Required Documents
- A copy of the valid endowment registration certificate issued by the General Authority for Endowments, including, at a minimum, the following: the name of the endowment, the number and date of the endowment deed, the names of the overseers and their identity numbers.
- A copy of the legal deed for the endowment.
- A letter from the authorized person according to the endowment deed specifying the authorized persons to operate the account.
- A copy of the identity of the persons authorized to operate the account.
- A copy of the identities of the guardians whose names appear in the endowment registration certificate.
- Writing the purpose of identity photography.
Family Funds
Required Documents
- A letter from the chairman of the board of trustees or his authorized representative addressed to the bank with a request to open or update the account. It clearly specifies the purpose of opening the account
- A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development
- A copy of the fund’s bylaws
- A copy of the decision to form the board of trustees
- A copy of the identities of the founder/founders and members of the board
- A copy of the purpose of the ID copy
Required Documents
- A copy of the license (registration certificate) issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, or a copy of the approval of the High Commissioner in the cases authorized by his order
- A copy of the foundation’s bylaws
- A copy of the authorization of the Board of Trustees specifying the Saudi persons authorized to open and manage the bank account, so that The signature shall be joint between two officials (the chairman of the board of trustees or his deputy and the financial supervisor). In the event that the board of trustees wishes to delegate to those not mentioned above, the approval of the ministry must be met.
- A copy of the identities of the members of the Board of Trustees
- Writing the purpose of photographing the identity and acknowledging the authenticity of the original and the photo
Required Documents
- Obtaining a copy of the guardianship deed that stipulates the content of the will.
- Completing a copy of the personal identity of the guardian/guardians, matching the copies with the originals, certifying the conformity by the trustee and the bank, and acknowledging the authenticity of the original and copy and the purpose of updating the account.
- Writing the purpose of photographing the identity
- If the will is (real estate - trade), we will be provided with rental contracts or invoices, if any