
For Al Rajhi Group, strengthening its brand as the employer of choice was one of the core focus areas in 2022, in line with the ambitious target set by the BOTF Strategy. The group continued its momentum from 2021, investing in the development of talent and technology to shape a human capital across all its local and international subsidiaries that is powered by evolving capabilities and augmented expertise. Such efforts during the year under review resulted in Al Rajhi Group’s Human Resource (HR) group setting a new benchmark in employee experience, and closing the year with an improved employee engagement index score.

Following the feedback from the annual employee engagement surveys conducted in 2021, actions plans were rolled out during 2022 to address areas highlighted for improvement. Some of these initiatives included improvements across the Performance Management function with enhanced system capabilities to promote more autonomy and transparency; formalising agreements with local and global educational institutions to enrich learning curriculums and improve Learning and Development benchmarks; and creating structured development opportunities to enhance employee mobility and promotions, thereby improving the overall Talent Management function.

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Total number of employees

Employees by gender

Al Rajhi Group’s consolidated human capital remains its engine of successful value creation, with the 19,964 strong team demonstrating great adaptability to the rapid pace of digital transformation, while driving loyalty and brand value among its customers.

Workforce analysis 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Total number of employees 19,964 15,078 13,445 13,439 13,003
Percentage of Al Rajhi Group female employees (%) 28 21 15 16 15
Percentage of Al Rajhi Group local employees (%) 89.07 91.96 91.31 91.14 90.40
Number of employees departed 5,191 2,964 1,781 2,104 2,246
Al Rajhi Group Turnover ratio (%) 19.18 17.30 15.32 15.40 16.56
Al Rajhi Group Total training hours 849,284 590,012 335,747 474,439 456,949
Employees by grade and gender Male Female
2022 2021 2022 2021
Senior Management 530 403 24 17
Middle Management 1,212 2,592 221 324
Other 12,596 9,185 5,381 2,557
Employees by age and gender Male Female
2022 2021 2022 2021
18-30 years 5,082 4,291 3,948 1,775
31-40 years 6,558 5,675 1,334 864
41-50 years 2,351 1,928 297 218
Over 51 347 286 47 41
Number of years of service Male Female
2022 2021 2022 2021
0-5 years 7,784 5,922 4,597 2,055
6-10 years 3,310 3,434 687 550
11-15 years 1,341 1,168 172 144
16-20 years 1,341 1,053 104 88
Over 20 years 562 605 66 59

Employees by age

Employees by years of service

Employees by category 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Permanent 15,820 10,904 10,773 11,040 10,971
Contract 100 143 167 160 96
Outsourced 4,044 4,031 2,505 2,239 1,936
Total 19,964 15,078 13,445 13,439 13,003

Employees by category

Talent recruitment

Al Rajhi Group hired 8,211 new employees in 2022 to accommodate the back filling of resignations and the business growth across all levels and positions including future skilled subject matter experts and senior professionals. The substantial number of new hires was the result of a focused recruitment drive to discover the best-qualified talent that can meet the demands of Al Rajhi Group’s rapid strategic expansion across IT, digital and revenue generating departments in line with the group’s growth plans. The success of the recruitment drive was evidenced by the exceedingly high offer acceptance rate, reflective of Al Rajhi Group’s repute as the “Employer of Choice” by top talent. This distinction was further enhanced by Al Rajhi Group’s brand presence across physical career fairs as well as online professional networks.

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Total new hires by age group and gender 18 to 30 years Over 30 years
Male Female Total Male Female Total
2022 2,882 3,183 6,064 1,584 563 2,147
2021 2,670 1,064 3,734 1,850 172 2,022
2020 1,838 336 2,174 1,307 77 1,384
2019 1,794 627 2,421 1,132 89 1,221
2018 1,558 446 2,004 966 93 1,059

Total new hires

Al Rajhi Group sponsored and participated in several key career fairs to strengthen the group’s brand position as “Employer of Choice”, and enjoyed a significant increase in applicants during the period under review.

In 2022, Al Rajhi Group showed great progress in its commitment to equal opportunity, and has been recognised as an organisation that empowers and adds value to the role of women in the workforce. Al Rajhi in KSA focused on creating female-friendly as well as female-only job opportunities (such as the Qassim Contact Centre staffed by only females) during the period under review, increasing Al Rajhi Group’s female employee ratio from 21% in 2021 to 28% in 2022, a significant achievement in line with the group’s diversity and inclusion plans. Female employment was further encouraged with the continuation of appropriate allowances in line with market conditions.

The Bank’s investment in high-potential Saudi talent is evidenced by the Graduate Development Programme (GDP), which maintained its competitive edge as the preferred programme and eventual employer for top graduates.

The “war for talent” and the challenge to retain top performers continued to impact the financial sector significantly. Al Rajhi Group maintained its repute and appeal as an employer of choice during the period under review, and continued to strengthen its overall employee value proposition to successfully overcome the challenge.

Talent management

In 2022, the Al Rajhi Group focused on dialling up efficiencies and effectiveness of its talent practices, which were reviewed and duly modified to align with global standards. A key enabler of this process has been the new implemented systems and process, which enabled the HR group to implement a number of new and advanced talent activities in 2022.

Advanced Talent Management Processes and KPIs Delivered in 2022

Critical Role & Talent Identification

Critical Role Identification:

Exercise carried out to identify roles that could pose significant risk if left vacant.

Talent Assessment:

Applied across employee levels to assess talent that complements the group’s current talent needs

Succession Planning

Identification of Successors:

Choosing successors for the critical roles identifed based on talent assessment

Structured Development:

Formulating plans for development of identified successors

Talent Pipeline Development

Academy Talk:

Building broader capabilities and perspectives with experts from a wide range of industries, for senior levels

Transition Programmes Management:

Helping talent transition effectively into supervisory and managerial levels

Talent/Graduate Develoment and Engagement

Enhanced Framework:

To highlight deeper career progression and increase retention

High-Level Engagement:

Building a high-performing talent pipeline with frequent engagement opportunities

Talent retention

The Emerging Talent Development Programme greatly contributed towards retaining skilled employees in a fiercely competitive market. As an example, during the reporting period the Bank enhanced the talent development framework for skilled employees by introducing two programmes:

  • Leadership Transition Programme: Aimed at preparing managers transition smoothly to higher leadership positions. In 2022, this development opportunity was extended to employees transitioning to Director level roles.
  • People Management Programme: This programme successfully trained and equipped applicable supervisory level employees aimed at taking managerial level positions with the skills and competencies.

Employee remuneration and other benefits

The group provides employees with market and performance-driven remunerations. The fixed salary revision was carried out for all eligible high-performers in 2022, with all variable incentive payments and bonuses paid in line with the remuneration strategy to pay for performance. The group continued to offer market driven competitive allowances to boost employee morale and strengthen the employee value proposition. as an example, Al Rajhi Bank continued to pay vacation allowance of one basic salary paid semi-annually and made celebratory payments to over 5,000 employees for special occasions, with a total of 1,220 employees receiving well-wishes and gifts from the CEO. Another example is the launch of Savings Scheme 2, which is a two-year programme designed to encourage and nurture an exemplary culture of saving with over 5,600 employees of Al Rajhi KSA subsidiaries participating.

All employment contracts were standardised to provide consistency and assurance to new hires in line with relevant laws and regulations.

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Salaries and Benefits SAR ’000 2022 2021
Fixed and variable
Fixed and variable
Cash Shares Cash Shares
Executives 50,693 23,996 55,595 48,198 22,954 42,322
Employees engaged in risk taking activities 590,626 189,914 32,479 686,464 202,368 22,242
Employees engaged in control functions 214,190 41,174 26,857 251,636 48,160 19,241
Other employees 1,804,438 313,694 46,344 1,591,335 321,356 34,675
Total 2,659,947 568,778 161,275 2,577,633 594,838 118,480
Accrued compensations in 2022 247,731 231,087
Other employees’ costs 487,513 323,626
Gross total 3,395,191 568,778 161,275 3,132,346 594,838 118,480

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Parental leave in 2022 Male Female
Number of employees who took parental leave, by gender 1,249 265
Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave, by gender 1,249 265
Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave who were still employed 12 months after return, by gender 1,223 262

HR Governance

While the group upholds recognised standards and principles for labour practices, it also strives to ensure safe and fair working conditions and practices through regularly reviewed policies, creating an envir onment that allows employees to feel protected and encouraged. The group strengthened its HR Governance Department during the period under review to support its transformational journey, and proactively act as the second line of defence for the HR group by providing assurance on matters of compliance with all regulations and laws.

Additionally, the KSA Internal Company Bylaw was updated to ensure better clarity and awareness on the governance structure for the benefit of the employees. The group continued to be aligned with local regulations and practices.

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As an example, the Bank’s Petition Committee streamlined its procedures to improve the petition submission process for employees and is fully compliant with new rules and regulation pertaining to occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements and launched several employee health checks and wellbeing awareness programmes throughout the year.

Policies and Communication

GRI 2-26

Al Rajhi Group remains steadfast in upholding a number of policies to provide a working environment that is fair and safe for all. The Whistleblowing Policy, Grievance Policy and other modes of communication remain firmly in place for employees to be able to raise concerns about their workplace.

The applicable policies were revamped in 2022 to include all relevant updated rules and regulations, and align with market conditions and development to ensure employees receive clear guidance and fair benefits. Al Rajhi Group has in place safe communication channels for whistle-blowers, including both an anonymous hotline and email address, allowing employees to report their concerns from outside the workplace. For grievances, there are special channels where employees are enabled to submit a grievances which will be escalated to the relevant stakeholders, who in turn takes immediate and appropriate action.

Employee engagement was further improved by enhancing exiting communication tools and channels. As an example, physical engagements and communication alignment between Al Rajhi Bank regional branches and the Head Office have improved with frequent visits to regional branches from Head Office Management. The group’s employee communication channels include:

  • Annual Employee Engagement survey
  • Senior management meetings and messages
  • Employee email updates
  • Circulars
  • HR newsletters
  • Periodic news broadcasts
  • Whistleblowing policy
  • Grievance policy
  • HR self-service mobile app
  • HR hotline
  • Town-halls

Any and all organisational changes impacting the group’s employees are communicated in alignment with relevant labour laws. The Bank also capitalises on its digitised HR systems as communication channels to regularly update employees with such relevant changes.

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Learning and Development

Al Rajhi Group has always been committed in investing towards structured learning and development solutions using blended learning approaches such as classroom, virtual, e-learning, on-the-job, certifications, coaching and mentoring. The Group carried out a deep learning needs analysis to identify knowledge and skill gaps when designing and implementing interventions tailored to suit the needs.

As an example given below is a summary of learning & development interventions pertaining to Al Rajhi Bank.

In 2022 more than 150 top-graduates successfully graduated from ARB Graduate Development Programmes (GDP), and an additional 103 were on-boarded as part of the Bank’s strategy to recruit young Saudi talent and groom them to become future leaders. The Bank has on-boarded over 500 graduates since the inception of the program in 2015, and periodically revamps the programme structure to align with emerging market trends.

The GDP also aims to bridge emerging skill gaps in digital, IT and cybersecurity as a result of ongoing digital disruptions in the banking and finance sector, and introduced “gamification” – a digital learning solution that significantly enhanced the overall engagement, interaction and active participation of over 10,000 participants. The Academy also partnered with a number of leading international schools to introduce several e-Learning courses as alternative learning solutions to meet business challenges.

Taleem – the Academy Learning Management System (LMS) – was upgraded with additional features such as pathway learning, online evaluation and development tracking during the reporting period, enabling both the Academy and the employees to maximize mutual benefits with measurable results. A total of 7,185 employees accessed Taleem during the year under review, and enjoyed exclusive learning content and benefits from the upgraded system, including autogenerating of certifications for successfully completed modules and courses

A number of specialised trainings and certifications were also facilitated by the Academy during the year under review; The Bank’s focus on increasing female employment opportunities saw the Academy recruit and train more than 1,700 new female agents to staff the female-only Contact Centre in Qassim. The Academy also facilitated training programs targeting female employees, completing more than 10,000 training hours during the reporting period.

Progress of the three mandatory SAMA certifications saw a total of over 9,000 ARB employees certified to date, and business-specific simulation-based training was introduced to Retail Banking and IT divisions as they transitioned to the Bank’s new digital core system. Focused leadership development programs for senior management and leadership cadre continued, aligned with their leadership assessment feedback and development needs of the Bank for the year under review.

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GRI 404-2

Al Rajhi Group Employee training 2022 2021
Number of training programmes 2,351 1,109
Total number of participants 26,474 15,322
Training days 141,547 98,335
Hours spent on training 849,284 590,012
Hours of training by grade Total hours of training
Senior Management 4,217
Middle Management 46,364
Other 765,447

Hours of training by grade

Employee training by gender Number of employees Number of person hours of training
Male Female Total Male Female Total






















Employee training by category Number of employees Number of person hours of training
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Senior Management 186 71 257 3,786 399 4,217
Middle Management 3,835 4,037 7,872 30,538 14,581 46,364
Other 10,085 8,121 18,207 361,648 401,882 765,449
Hours of training by skill type No. of persons trained Hours training
Technical skills 16,565 577,308
Soft skills 9,743 238,384

The catalytic roles of technology and innovation in HR

HR Group embraced Al Rajhi Group’s strategy of “unbank the bank” through the application of sophisticated technology solutions to join-up with all its subsidiaries to ensure robust HR services delivery to its employees. Continuous investment made in enhancing and implementing best in class HR-MIS solutions to create a stronger employee experience through end-to-end HR digitize service solutions.

As an example, more features were added to Al Rajhi Bank’s Recruitment and On-boarding System during the year following an end-to-end review of the process, increasing efficiencies by around 50% YoY, and delivering a faster, automated on-boarding experience. Automation of the Bank’s recruitment offer approval reduced a 2-week turnaround time to less than 5 days.

Enhancements across the Bank’s Management Information System (MIS) paved way for the automation of multiple HR functions. This comprised the automation of total rewards, incentive calculation, attendance tracking of employees through geofencing, internal hiring requests, and enhancements to the SAHL mobile app that enabled the Bank to continue utilising it as the single point of contact for all employees with more flexibility as well as greater efficiency, further improving the Bank’s employee value proposition.

Innovation and new thinking were encouraged among employees with the “My Idea” initiative implemented by the Bank, where employees with the most innovative and value-adding ideas were rewarded upon implementation of their projects. During the period under review, the Bank accepted 21 ideas, 5 of which were successfully implemented.


Future outlook

Future outlook

The HR group will continue to implement the Board approved HR strategies focusing on future skilled talent acquisition, enabling to deliver on key strategic imperatives. Best in class learning and development solutions will be continuously formulated to bridge emerging competency gaps. The HR group will also continue to revamp the employee value proposition aligned to market developments, maintaining and improving the employee engagement score and employee satisfaction ratings, thereby delivering sustainable business growth.
