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Direct Debit
Direct Debit service is an easy, secured, and convenient method for collection of recurring payments (bills, installments, subscription fees, etc.) provided to Corporate clients, to manage collections and receivables from their customers.
Direct Debit is used throughout the world and is known as one of the most cost-effective and efficient methods of processing regular and periodic payments collection.
Key Characteristics and Benefits:
- Receive installments on time.
- Narrow the margin of late installments.
- No need to visit the branch to pay the due installments.
- More predictable and manageable Cash flows.
- Detailed results of each transaction executed.
- Directly deposit payments in the company’s account.
- The largest customer base in the Kingdom.
- Al Rajhi Banks offers the most simplified and comprehensive end-to-end Direct Debit process.
Direct Debit within Al Rajhi Business:
For convenient, secure and easy direct debits transactions over Al Rajhi Business Banking Services:
- Upload payers for direct debit mandates to any local bank in the kingdom.
- Generate report to view exact log of debit payments history (payments received / not received).
- View report files to see all direct debits that have been requested
Don’t have an alrajhi corporate bank business account? Create one now